Recent presentations

Well, the week of presentations is now over. Here are both of them, for reference. They may not make sense out of context, but there were definitely some links in the Twitter presentation particularly that may be of use to the APRN journalists that attended my presentation last Friday.

APRN Chaordic Organization Option

This presentation was made to several managers of public radio stations in Alaska and then again to the Board of APTI a couple days later. It concerns the future of collaborative public media efforts in Alaska. Developed in cooperation with the unequaled Robert Paterson, and using ideas pioneers 40 years ago with Visa International, it’s a proposal for starting conversations statewide about finding a new way for us to collaborate and compete in a more natural way than we’re organized today. It’s kind of hard to follow without the narration/explanation, but I wanted to share it anyway. I’m happy to answer questions.

Twitter for Stations, Programs, Journalists and Fun

This presentation was made to a group of Alaska public radio journalists in Anchorage during an annual conference. The idea was to expose them to the Twitter service and suggest they try it out and see what others around the country — especially NPR — are doing with it. The reaction was… tepid. I think Alaska pubradio journalists are really saddled with a lot of responsibilities that just aren’t present in the rest of the country, and taking on new forms of media is just so hard for them. And then journalists also tend to be a skeptical lot — as they should be, of course. Again, narration helps, but there’s lots of links in it for reference.

3 thoughts on “Recent presentations

  1. Great job on those presentations, and I’m so glad you were able to share them with us. Twitter is a very hard concept for journalists to grasp – I just gave a similar talk this past weekend about social media strategy for content syndication to journalists, editors, and producers, and almost all of the questions from the audience were about Twitter and how to use it.

    Would it be alright if we @pbsengage shared with interested stations/producers?

  2. Jonathan — Feel free to shamelessly rip off anything you find useful. Truth is, the presentation could be a lot better, but I didn’t have much time to prep it. I would also recommend searching the web for other presentations and even some videos that may help.

    And whenever you do make a presentation on Twitter, I’d love to hear about it / see the results.

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